
What should you expect at St. Peter’s on a Sunday morning?

Sunday services will help you to discover more about God through teaching from the Bible.  Our meetings are designed to help you understand God’s word and respond to Him.

Our morning meetings take place at 10:30am at our church building and are open to all ages with separate groups for children to take part in. On the second Sunday of every month, we have a family service where the children are welcome to stay in for the whole service with teaching suitable for both children and adults.


Each Sunday morning at 10.30 am. when we meet in St Peter’s Church. We run two groups for young people, the Ignite group for primary age children and the Unite group for secondary age children. We meet together for the first part of our service and then children move to their own groups with separate activities for the rest of the time.


If you have young children (0-3yrs), there is a crèche on Sunday mornings at the 10.30 am All-ages Morning Meeting. If you want to try it out first by staying with your child, that’s fine.


Tea and coffee is always served at the end of each service.  It’s a great way to meet people, and we do try to ensure that it’s a relaxed and unpressured environment.

If you would like to help support the church, please consider giving at the link below.