


Our services are streaming LIVE via our YouTube channel.
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Active filter: Series: Hebrews (x)
Preacher: Alan Purser (1), Tim Houghton (1), Bishop Rod Thomas (1), David Banting (1), Ben Coope (1).
Service: Sunday Morning (4), Sunday Evening (1).
Date: October (1), November (4)

Most recent sermons:

Hebrews Ch 11 v1-16
Hebrews 11:1-16 (Part of the Hebrews series).
Preached by Alan Purser on November 25, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Grounds for Confidence
Hebrews 4:14-5:10 (Part of the Hebrews series).
Preached by Tim Houghton on November 18, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Peace Dividend
(Part of the Hebrews series).
Preached by Bishop Rod Thomas on November 11, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Learning from Mistakes
Hebrews 3:1-19 (Part of the Hebrews series).
Preached by David Banting on November 4, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Past & Present
Hebrews 1:1-14 (Part of the Hebrews series).
Preached by Ben Coope on October 21, 2018 (Sunday Morning).

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