How can I be married at St. Peter’s?
If you wish to be married at St. Peter’s, then please contact the church office to see if you are eligible to be married and to make further arrangements. Please note that we do NOT marry divorcees at St. Peter’s. You should both be single or widowed.
Please see this document to see if you meet one of the requirements to be married at St. Peter’s.
Our purpose at St. Peter’s is to love the Lord Jesus Christ through living by the Bible, encouraging each other and sharing the Good News of the gospel. We meet together weekly as a church family for teaching, friendship and encouragement and would encourage you to join us at any of our services. When couples marry at St. Peter’s we ask that they come to church every Sunday so we can get to know each other. In this way you will learn about Christianity, which is the basis of the marriage service you want.
The cost of a wedding at St. Peter’s in 2022 is £717.00 and includes diocesan fees, organist, verger, use of the church, lighting, heating and the legal banns and certificates. Any changes to this for 2023 are under review. A deposit of £50 is required on booking and this is deducted from the total fee. If you are having a summer wedding and don’t need the heating you can deduct £75 bringing the cost of your wedding down to £642.00.